Save On Rental Property Maintenance Costs – Know How

When you're buying a rental property, it seems like a great idea. You'll build equity in the property and then turn around and rent it out to make money. It's a win-win situation: You get rich in no time flat! But there's one little snag—renting out your investment property by Rental Property Management in Christchurch expert takes money too.

If you don't have enough funds set aside for maintenance costs, you could be stuck with an unprofitable rental or even lose the entire building altogether if something major goes wrong. So how much should investors save for these costs?

Let me break down what these expenses are specifically so that you can answer this question for yourself.

Rental Property Management in Christchurch

Rental Property Maintenance Costs

It can be difficult to calculate how much you should save for maintenance costs, but there are some tried and true methods that will help. The first step is to estimate the costs of repairs and improvements for your rental property during its first year of operation. Consult rental property management Christchurch for more information.

How to Estimate Rental Property Maintenance Costs

The first step in estimating your annual maintenance costs is to make a list of everything that could go wrong with the property. This should include any routine maintenance tasks you have to do, like changing air filters and cleaning gutters, as well as repairs for major damage. If you're not sure what to include on this list, your rental property management Christchurch company should be able to help you figure it out.

For example, if the heater in one of your units malfunctions during winter, it may require a quick repair or replacement depending on how old it is. The cost of these things varies greatly depending on whether they're routine or emergency fixes—but either way they need to be accounted for when calculating yearly maintenance expenses.

Another thing you'll want to consider when estimating annual maintenance costs is replacement costs: what would happen if something major breaks?

For example: Will all three toilets need replacing at once? Or will just one start leaking over time until all three finally give out? If this does happen (and trust us: It happens), then that's another expense that needs factoring into your budgeting process before making an investment decision about buying rentals!

What Maintenance Is the Landlord Responsible For?

Landlords are responsible for maintaining the building, including the roof and exterior walls. They're also responsible for keeping the heating system in working order. If your landlord doesn't keep up with repairs, you may be able to deduct these costs from your rent.

As a tenant, you're responsible for maintaining your unit as well as paying any additional fees associated with it. Examples include:

  • Cleaning (or hiring someone else to clean) before moving in and after moving out.
  • Replacing lightbulbs or other small items that break during your tenancy.
  • Make sure pets don't cause damage (e.g., scratching furniture).


With higher land prices, fewer properties available for purchase, and more renters on the market, there are many benefits to investing in rental property. Although it can be a great way to build wealth over time, you need to be prepared with enough cash flow so that you can keep up with maintenance costs as well as other expenses.



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